
Season 2 | Episode 10 | Net Zero Buildings

June 15, 2020
You’ve heard about green buildings, but have you heard about net zero buildings? Arthaland, a pioneering developer of green buildings in the Philippines, joins ClimateBiz to discuss how their Century Pacific Tower became the first EDGE-certified Zero Carbon building and how they used a green bond to finance this construction.

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JUNE 16, 2020

Net Zero Buildings

Meet a pioneering developer of green buildings in the Philippines

You’ve heard about green buildings, but have you heard about net zero buildings? Arthaland, a pioneering developer of green buildings in the Philippines, joins ClimateBiz to discuss how their Century Pacific Tower became the first EDGE-certified Zero Carbon building and how they used a green bond to finance this construction.

Podcast Guests

Leonardo Po

Executive Vice President and Treasurer Arthaland

Bio »

This podcast was made possible by the generous support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands.