Press Release

Keeping Business Flowing in Serbia Amid COVID-19

October 31, 2020
Serbia is at a crossroads. Although current growth rates are improving incomes, the country is not getting closer to average living standards in the European Union fast enough. As a candidate country for accession to the European Union, Serbia is embracing an ambitious agenda for reform in order to reach the European levels of economic prosperity. The ‘ New Growth Agenda’ focuses on seven key areas, including trade and bringing trade practices in line with international trade agreements.
One critical trade practice is the determination of whether a good complies with a country’s trade commitments on where a product is made – its rule of origin. Before any product crosses the border, customs officials make these judgments through “advance rulings.”
“In the past, submitting requests for advance rulings on the origin of goods took several days and required traders to submit their requests and supporting documents physically at customs,” said Sonja Lazarevic, Assistant Director, Tariff Sector, Serbia Customs Administration.
