Case Study

Reaping Equality: Creating Sustainable Pepper Supply Chains by Strengthening the Role of Female Farmers in Viet Nam

August 26, 2024

Women comprise 80 percent of Viet Nam’s smallholder pepper labor force. However, existing social norms limit their access to education and earning potential, echoing a global trend where women make up 43 percent of the agricultural workforce but earn nearly 20 percent less than men.

In Viet Nam, the integration of female farmers in McCormick’s supply chain surged from 9 percent in 2019 to 51 percent in 2022. This remarkable growth was driven by a project that provided training to 748 women in various aspects of agriculture, including pest management and post-harvest handling. This initiative, supported by the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), also established 11 Pepper Farmer Women Clubs, which facilitated training and raised awareness about gender-based violence in farming communities. Read the case study and learn more about the transformative impact of this initiative and the detailed outcomes.

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Women in Agribusiness Value Chains

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Publication cover: Creating Sustainable Pepper Supply Chains by Strengthening the Role of Female Farmers in Vietnam