Country Private Sector Diagnostic

Creating Markets in Mozambique: Country Private Sector Diagnostic

June 27, 2021

A study conducted by the World Bank Group in partnership with SIDA

One of the main development questions for Mozambique is how to diversify beyond megaprojects, to sectors with more potential to reduce poverty by creating income generation and productive employment opportunities especially for the youth, and what reforms are needed to support this change. In this context the Mozambique CPSD, based on in-depth analysis of key sectors and cross-cutting constraints, identifies: immediate opportunities in upstream linkages to megaprojects, agribusiness, niches of tourism (for post-COVID-19), and housing construction; medium-term opportunities in transport and logistics and in energy; and, longer-term opportunities in downstream linkages to extractives, the financial sector, forestry, and fisheries. Policy makers in Mozambique can take advantage of the CPSD to undertake reforms for improving the opportunities for private sector investment in these priority economic sectors.
