The 4th International Conference on Corporate Governance (CG) in Emerging Markets was organized by the IFC Global Corporate Governance Forum (later merged into IFC CG Group), the Indian School of Business (ISB), and the Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (IGIDR) on August 23-24, 2013 at the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India. The two-day conference brought together academicians from various prestigious institutions across the world, fostering constructive discussions on methodological issues, data issues, and research challenges in general. The fourth edition of the conference has reinforced the legacy of being a forum of high-quality research and interaction between scholars and practitioners.
Papers presented in 10 technical sessions over the two-day period addressed, among other issues, CG disclosure in emerging markets and its relationship to firm value, determinants of ownership structure, gender diversity in boards, the effects on business performance of regulatory intervention in insider trading, the role of analysts, and the importance of social ties in determining corporate actions. More information