Good Practice

Integrity, Culture, and Other Intangibles for Building Long-Term Value - The Board’s Critical Responsibility

December 27, 2012

Summary: Private Sector Opinion# 30

In many companies affected by scandal, directors do not understand or pay close attention to their core duties: care, loyalty, good faith, compliance, and oversight. Directors must use the tools at their disposal to effectively execute their responsibilities. 

John H. Stout is chair of the Corporate Governance and Investigations Group, Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.; adjunct professor of law, corporate governance, University of St. Thomas Law School; chair emeritus of the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of Corporate Directors; and chair of the Corporate Governance Committee, Business Law Section, of the American Bar Association.

Foreword by Sandra Guerra, Chairperson, the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance, and Founding Partner, Better Governance 


Related Materials:

The Moral Compass of Companies: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance as Anti-Corruption Tools, Focus 7