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A fish ladder is often proposed as a mitigation measure for addressing hydropower project impacts on fish migration. A fish ladder is a structure that enables fish to pass over and across the dam weir to continue their migration upstream. In Nepal, the globally Endangered Golden Mahseer (Tor putitora) is a long-range migratory fish that occurs from the lowlands to about 1000 m elevation in the Himalayas. The presence of hydropower dams on many of Nepal’s rivers blocks this fish species’ migration in many river basins. While much of the biology of this fish is known, it remains unclear whether it has sucient ability to jump through a fish ladder and if it can, what type of fish ladder would be most appropriate for this species. If a fish ladder is successful, it’s also important to ensure safe downstream fish passage for larvae and fry. This webinar will feature a panel of experts on fish ladder design and on the Golden Mahseer to lead participants in what will certainly be a lively discussion of a fish ladder design for this important fish species as well as options for downstream fish passage
Adjunct Professor (Aquaculture)
Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
Technical Director
Fishtek Consulting, United Kingdom
PhD Research Scholar
Wildlife Institute of India, India
Wildlife Institute of India, India
Environmental Expert and Scientific Executive Manager
Sweco Norway
Fish Ecologist
Bournemouth University, United Kingdom
Fish Taxonomist
National Fishery Research Centre (NFRC), Nepal
Senior Research Engineer
Hydrolab Pvt. Ltd., Nepal
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