Annual Report 2023

Results and Impact

IFC is laser focused on results. We offer our clients a unique combination of investment advice designed to promote sustainable private sector development in emerging markets. This special edge enables us to maximize our development impact.

IFC developed the Anticipated Impact Measurement and Monitoring (AIMM) system to guide operations to maximize development impact and improve our performance each year. Potential projects are analyzed by an assessment of anticipated development impact that informs project selection and design. This is deepened by regular monitoring of operational project results and, eventually, selective evaluation of mature projects to identify impacts achieved and lessons learned.

IFC FY23: Reaching New Heights

$43.7 billion

in total investment commitments


in climate financing

Trade and Supply Chain


in short-term finance


was committed in IDA and fragile and conflict-affected economies

Highlights of Anticipated Impact from FY23 Projects

*Employment estimates are computed for individual projects using IFC’s economic impact estimation framework. The framework comprises sector-specific models and a variety of assumptions across countries and sectors. For financial intermediaries, the estimate includes on-lending of IFC funds only. Client banks’ portfolios grow more than the IFC funding alone, partly because IFC’s contribution catalyzes additional funding and partly because the growth is contractually agreed with IFC. This additional expansion, which is hard to attribute precisely, could represent the creation of several million jobs.
