Good Practice

Network of Corporate Governance Institutes in Latin America: Bonding over Common Objectives while Meeting Local Needs

June 14, 2011

This is a story of a group of corporate governance institutes in Latin America that realized that there is strength—and leverage—in numbers. By forming a network, these institutes benefited from otherwise inaccessible information and know-how, improved their performance, and enhanced their reputations in their own countries. In a short time, the Latin American Network of Corporate Governance Institutes (IGCLA, its Spanish acronym) has empowered its members with a network of connections and tools.

The IGCLA is composed of 11 institutes—from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, México, Panama, and Peru. This publication outlines key steps that the IGCLA has taken to achieve success.


Related Links: 

Report: The Latin American Corporate Governance Roundtable: Building on a Decade of Progress, 2010

Lessons Learned Series: Walking the Talk: How the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance Succeeds, December 2008

Lessons Learned Series: Panama's Experience Shows Importance in Defining Objectives, Attracting Committed Supporters, Exerting Leadership, December 2007